Ornament dough is traditionally made with salt, but this baking soda alternative is quick, easy, and very soft. It’s sure to become your new favorite!

Salt dough ornaments can be charming, fun, or even elegant, and this snowy-white dough is perfect for tiny children or grown-ups alike.
Combine 1 cup baking soda and 1/2 cup corn starch and mix well. Add 3/4 cup warm water and heat over medium heat, stirring constantly.
The mixture will be lumpy at first, but keep mixing until it’s the consistency of mashed potatoes.
Allow the mixture to cool slightly, then knead the dough until very smooth, adding a bit of corn starch if it’s too sticky.
You can store the dough in an airtight container until you’re ready to make your ornaments.
To make your ornaments, roll the dough to the desired thickness, then air dry or place in the oven at a low temperature (175 degrees) until dry. I like to make mine about 1/4 inch thick.
This dough would be perfect for Christmas ornaments and tags. Most recently, though, I made a batch of this ornament dough for an Easter project that’s kid-friendly and really fun.
This dough dried quickly, which makes it great for ornaments, but tricky for playing. If you’re looking for a perfect dough for playing, try this one instead!