Journaling in scrapbooks can be as simple as names and dates written below your pictures. With a little bit of effort, however, your holiday scrapbook can become a treasure trove of family memories.

Before you put together your holiday pages this year, take a moment to really think about what the holidays mean to your family. Make an outline for each holiday and then plan at least a few scrapbook pages including the following areas:
- PREPARATIONS – What does your family do to make this holiday special? Do you prepare months in advance, or throw things together at the last minute? How is each family member involved in the preparation and celebration of the holiday? Who does the dishes, and who prepares the meals? Who decorates?
- BELIEFS – Does the holiday hold any religious meaning for you? Do any of your traditions express your beliefs?
- TRADITIONS – What are the favorite traditions associated with this holiday, and how did they start? Do you make any special foods? What makes your celebration different from others? What makes the holiday fun (is it fun for everyone)? Did you miss out on a tradition this year that your family usually enjoys, and why?
- TRIVIA – Are there any funny little quirks that don’t usually get included in your memoirs? Does someone like their turkey dry, or does Grandma continue to make a huge pan of candied yams even though she is the only one that eats them? Is there a feud that keeps things interesting at family celebrations?
- LEGACY – Imagine reading a holiday description written by your great grandmother. What would you like to know about special days in her home? Try to look at your own book with new eyes, and include a few of these things for future generations who will look to your scrapbook as a history of your family.
- CHILDREN – Involve the kids. Take a few minutes to find out what each of your children likes best about the holiday. If they are able to write, having their favorite holiday memories written in their own handwriting will be a priceless addition to your memory book.