Hand warmers are a fantastic alternative to candy for your favorite Valentine. They’re especially precious in my corner of the world, where winter is still in full effect and it’s freezing outside!
These heart-shaped warmers are filled with rice and can be reused again and again. Just heat them in the microwave for about 30 seconds (until warm) and slip them into your pocket for toasty fingers.
Customize these for each person by choosing a fabric that fits their personality. Make sure that the fabric and thread you use are 100% cotton to ensure they won’t melt in the microwave! I used a quilting fabric, but flannel is a nice, fuzzy alternative.
Hand Warmer Instructions
Charming Rustic Edges
First, print the instructions below and cut out the heart pattern.
Next line up the pattern on the fold of your cotton fabric of choice and cut the hearts. You will need four fabric hearts for each set of hand warmers. I used pinking shears for a fun zigzag edge, but that’s entirely optional.
With wrong sides together, stitch two fabric hearts together with a 1/4 inch seam, leaving a 1/2 inch opening.
Fill the heart with rice. I like to scent mine with a little bit of lavender oil. Use a funnel , or create your own by rolling a piece of paper into a cone.
Finally, hand-stitch the opening closed with a tight running stitch (so that the grains of rice can’t get through.
Repeat for each hand-warmer.
Alternative Finished Edges
If you prefer the look of finished edges, and have a little bit of experience sewing, stitch the hearts right sides together and then clip the corners of the heart (top and bottom) for crisp points.
Turn the heart right side out and fill it with rice as per instructions above. Close the seam with a blind stitch.

Printable Gift Tags
While this is a fantastic Valentine’s Day gift, I’ve designed a free printable tag (for your personal use) that works for any gift occasion and included it on the printable instruction sheet.