I mentioned in my last post that both of my grandmothers were great at reusing and repurposing things. They were brilliant at it. But sometimes when people see that something has been “upcycled” or made from recycled parts they get a vision in their heads of things that look. . . well. . . useful but not particularly pretty. Or maybe too funky for a traditional home.
I’ve mentioned before on this blog, I believe, that I’m fond of using the chipboard from old boxes in my projects. They make fantastic book covers, etc. I am even more font of repurposing old books to give them new life. I adore books, and tossing them away is painful. If I can preserve a few of the beautiful old pages, verses, quotations, etc. – and use them to make a card, notebook or other item that will make someone smile again I’m a very happy person. I think that old things are beautiful. They’re beautiful at face value, but even more so when the richness and meaning of their long history is apparent.
You’ve seen my work though, and today I wanted to point out a few more shops where you’ll find some amazingly gorgeous things that used to be something else. I’m a member of the Cottage Style Street Team at Etsy, and am always awed and inspired by the ingenuity and talent there. It was a very difficult task to narrow it down to three to present here today. These are some of my favorite places both to shop and window shop, and I hope you’ll love them too!

First up is SoSoRosey.etsy.com, who upcycles old sheets into gorgeous bowls, rugs, etc. She has an amazing eye for colors that will work well together and look new and fresh.
The rug in this particular photo is a half moon shape, so ideal for placing in front of floors and against walls (if you can bear to step on the gorgeous thing). Her little bowls and containers are perfect to set on a countertop or desk to hold little odds and ends keep things neat and tidy. Some even have lids, which are simply beautiful.

SimpleJoysPaperie.etsy.com is another of my very favorites. Like me, she loves to use the pages of old books in her artwork. She makes some incredibly beautiful things with them. Her rolled paper wreaths are perhaps my favorite thing in her shop to look at – they’re so lovely.
Her other shop, HoneysuckleLane.etsy.com is another fun place to visit. Ah, lavendar eye pillows made from vintage damask!

CottageInTheSun.etsy.com creates banners and hangings from antique ceiling tin from the late 1800s and early 1900s. I love the look of ceiling tin but unfortunately it will never look right in my house. My only hope is one of these amazing creations, which would fit right in with any room in my house. I love that while she makes something completely new and lovely with the old tins, she keeps that feeling of aged dignity and history. They look equally at home indoors or out as well! Don’t miss her wedding hearts while you’re visiting either – they’re just so lovely.
As I mentioned before, there are so many others that I know you’d love. A quick little search through The Cottage Style Street Team is a fantastic way to spend an afternoon. You’ll fall in love and be inspired, and it’s far more fun than folding laundry!
I’m still looking for a few more people to participate in “Scrap My Scraps” – for details see the previous blog post, and then sign up and have fun!